Transfer Credits
Incoming Students
Course Equivalency Guide & Course Equivalency Lists
To aid you in determining transfer credits, please see the following resources:
The course equivalency guide provides a list of formerly transferred credits to the University of Evansville. The list is not comprehensive but is representative of course equivalencies at this point.
For quick reference, course equivalency lists are provided for the following colleges:
- Ivy Tech Transfer Equivalencies
- University of Southern Indiana Transfer Equivalencies
- Vincennes UE Transfer Equivalencies
The course equivalency guide and course equivalency lists do not guarantee credit at the University of Evansville and are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions about credits from other colleges, please contact us at 812-488-2600, or email
The University of Evansville welcomes transfer students and works to accept as many credits as possible under the following guidelines:
- Credits will be considered from regionally accredited educational institutions.
- Courses with a grade of C- or higher will be considered for transfer credit.
- No more than 60 hours may be transferred from a two-year institution. No more than 72 hours may be transferred from a four-year institution to the University of Evansville except in cases where an articulation agreement (transfer plan between UE and another college) has been established.
- Each course is evaluated individually to determine if it can apply toward a UE degree.
- At least 48 hours, including the last 15 hours and the majority of hours in the major, must be completed in residence to earn a baccalaureate degree from the University of Evansville, subject to the requirements of specific majors.
Current UE Students
University of Evansville students who plan to take courses at another institution and wish to transfer credit to apply toward a degree must have written approval on a transfer credit request form signed in advance by the student's academic advisor and the registrar. A maximum of three courses (or 10 semester hours) may be transferred from another institution once a student has matriculated at the University of Evansville. Failure to obtain prior approval may result in credits not transferring.
The three-course limit for transfer credit may not apply to students participating in an approved study abroad program not available through the University of Evansville. Approval for credit transfer must be obtained in writing from the department and registrar prior to participation in the program.
Please print a copy of the transfer credit request form, complete it and submit it to the Office of the Registrar located in Olmsted 106 before taking a class at another institution. Upon completion of the course, an official transcript must be requested from the transfer institution to be sent directly to:
Office of the Registrar
University of Evansville
1800 Lincoln Avenue
Evansville, IN 47722
Grades are not transferred, only credits are transferred. We do not post credit from other institutions unless the credit applies to a student's degree program.
All course equivalency lists provided do not guarantee credit at the University of Evansville and are subject to change without notice. Current students must fill out a transfer credit request form before taking any courses outside of the University of Evansville.
If you have any questions about credits from other colleges, please contact us at 812-488-2600, or email
Military Credit Policy
All courses offered by the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Army Reserve, National Guard and Air Force Will be assessed for transfer credit. Notarized transcripts are required before credit can be posted.
Credit by Examination
The University of Evansville allows students to earn an unlimited number of hours of credit prior to entrance through the College Board Advanced Placement testing program, providing a grade of four or better in each examination has been achieved, and through the International Baccalaureate program, providing a grade of five or better in higher level subjects has been achieved.
Students may also obtain course credit by submitting the results of the College Entrance Examination Board's College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or by taking University of Evansville proficiency examinations administered by an academic department. The number of hours of credit that can be counted toward the total hours required for graduation through CLEP or departmental credit by examination, however, is limited to two courses.
Departmental examinations in specific courses are available to qualified students upon approval of the academic advisor and the chair and/or dean of the academic department in which the examination is to be taken. Credit by examination forms are available from the Office of the Registrar. A non-refundable departmental examination fee will be charged (see tuition and fees section) by the Office of Student Accounts. Credit for the course will be granted provided the student passes the examination with a grade of C or better. No exam may be repeated if a grade lower than the equivalent of a C is earned. A grade of P is recorded on the transcript for credit earned by examination.
Students are not permitted to schedule departmental examinations in courses which have been audited, in courses in which unsatisfactory grades have been earned, in physical education activity courses or in courses which have been dropped with grades of W. No credit toward graduation is awarded retrospectively to lower level course work based solely upon satisfactory completion of more advanced course work in the same subject area except for academic sequence courses in foreign languages.
Please visit the following web page for Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate/Cambridge International Exams transferable credits: Transferable Credits.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 116, Olmsted Administration Hall